Earning online
Make money online
After reading some websites and testimonials from bloggers and other affliated sites. I just wonder that people earn a lot of money just going online posting some blogs, clicking some ads, taking surveys and doing other things. Naisip ko….kumikita pala sila bakit hindi ko rin gawin un para kumita rin ako?
I started doing signing up in Paypal and Alert pay in which these companies pay thru these money transfer system.
Website: paypal.com (here)
Website: alertpay.com (here}
Then my first online money making strategy is signing up in bux.to which you can view a ads for 30 secs that will pay you $0.01 US dollar
Sign up: bux.to
I’m currently have $1.26 on my stats. Hopefully Bux.to pay me for all the effort that I did for this ads surfing.
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