10 safe tips for Fast Weight Loss
Although there are many programs advertised to help you lose weight, the only proven long-term and safe method is to burn more calories than you consume. Here are the basics of losing weight fast and effectively
1. Weight Loss Tip 1 - Change your lifestlye
This is the most effective way to lose weight. By changing the way you eat and way of living, you can effectively lose weight fast. Thats a fact.
2. Weight Loss Tip 2 - Eat less
By reducing the food intake there by reducing calorie intake, you are ensuring that all the fats in your body burns up.
3. Weight Loss Tip 3 - More exercise
Increasing your physical activity means increase metabolism, thereby increasing the energy expenditure.
4. Weight Loss Tip 4 - Drink more Water
Drinking Eight(8) glasses a day keeps your body nourish and promoting execretion of waste. Once the body gets rehydrated with water, the weight will come right back.
5. Weight Loss Tip 5 - Avoid Fast Food
These foods has more fats, preservatives and chemicals. But if you have no choices but to eat those, be sure to choose the less fatty foods.
6. Weight Loss Tip 6 - Eat more Salad, fruits and vegetables
Fresh foods contains more antioxidants, enzymes and fibers that promote good health.
7. Weight Loss Tip 7 - Decrease carbo
Lets face it, Carbohydrates has more calorie thereby increasing your calorie intake. So dont take too much rice, pasta, and breads. Avoid them.
8. Weight Loss Tip 8 - Consult your health care provider
A registered dietitian is an excellent resource for individualized weight loss. Always talk to your health care provider before starting any weight control program to provide you the best method you can use to lose weight.
9. Weight Loss Tip 9 - Stay positive. Dont lose hope
Be committed to staying on course and making these necessary lifestyle and dietary changes.
10. Weight Loss Tip 10 - If cant lose weight, use medication
If you are worried about losing weight, there are several OTC and Prescription medication you can use to help you minimize weight. But beware of any side effects that may occue. Just consult your health practitioner about your plans.
Weight loss does not have to be overwhelming and difficult. These are ways to decide whether to use a diet or not. If there is no nutritionally or medically reliable information provided, and if there are no statistics to back the claims, then it is not a good diet to consider. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.
Dont repost this article. Original post is found in pinoypharmacy.blogspot.com
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