Erectile Dysfunction and Sildenafil Citrate
Sex may not be the most important thing in life. But to most men, it’s up there. So don’t let erection problems keep you from a satisfying sex life. Learn about a condition called erectile dysfunction, or ED.
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is when a man has problems getting or maintaining an erection long enough for sex. It happens when not enough blood flows to the penis.
ED isn’t the same for all men. Some men aren’t able to get an erection at all. Others can get one, but it’s not hard enough for sex. And others get a hard erection but lose it before or during sex.
ED is a medical condition. So in most cases, erections will not improve without treatment.
A common issue
ED is more common than you might think. More than half of all men over 40 have some difficulty getting and maintaining an erection. The fact is, guys at any age can experience ED.
Treatment options
There are many treatments for erectile dysfunction (ED). The most common is oral medication, or tablets.
Of all the ED tablets, VIAGRA is the one doctors prescribe most. It has been shown to significantly improve erections for men with ED
Sildenafil Citrate an oral medication for erectile dysfunction (ED). It helps most men with ED improve their erections. That means they are able to achieve harder erections.
Getting an erection is only half the story
Maintaining an erection is just as important as getting one. Sildenafil Citrate can help with both. This can lead to a more satisfying sexual experience with your partner.
Who can take Sildenafil Citrate
Sildenafil Citrate has an established safety profile of over 10 years. It has been shown to work safely and effectively in men with ED. This includes:
- Men of all ages
- Men who have difficulty all the time or just some of the time
- Men with other health issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and depression
Most Filipino men don't visit their doctors to consult about their problem regarding Erectile Dysfunction. Instead, they buy these medication over the counter and fly-by-night pharmacies. Its is not recommended to use this drug without a consult from your medical practitioner simple because it can aggrevate other disease like heart problems.
Every pinoy pharmacist should know that Sildenafil Citrate popularly known as Vigra is a prescription drug. I shout to all pharmacist out there please do not dispense this medication without a prescription.
Photos and brand are owned by respective owners
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